28 01-28008-0018-20050128 Fortinet Inc.
Using the web-based manager NAT/Route mode installation
DHCP or PPPoE configuration
You can configure any FortiGate interface to acquire its IP address from a DHCP or
PPPoE server. Your ISP may provide IP addresses using one of these protocols.
To use the FortiGate DHCP server, you need to configure an IP address range and
default route for the server. No configuration information is required for interfaces that
are configured to use DHCP.
PPPoE requires you to supply a user name and password. In addition, PPPoE
unnumbered configurations require you to supply an IP address. Use Table 7 to
record the information you require for your PPPoE configuration.
Using the web-based manager
You can use the web-based manager for the initial configuration of the FortiGate unit.
You can also continue to use the web-based manager for all FortiGate unit settings.
For information about connecting to the web-based manager, see “Connecting to the
web-based manager” on page 16.
Table 6: NAT/Route mode settings
Administrator Password:
IP: _____._____._____._____
Netmask: _____._____._____._____
IP: _____._____._____._____
Netmask: _____._____._____._____
IP: _____._____._____._____
Netmask: _____._____._____._____
IP: _____._____._____._____
Netmask: _____._____._____._____
Network settings
Default Gateway: _____._____._____._____
Interface connected to
external network (usually
A default route consists of a default gateway and the name of the
interface connected to the external network (usually the Internet).
The default gateway directs all non-local traffic to this interface and
to the external network.
Primary DNS Server: _____._____._____._____
Secondary DNS Server: _____._____._____._____
Table 7: PPPoE settings
User name: