52 FileMaker Server Getting Started Guide
To enable ODBC data source single sign-on with FileMaker Server, you must configure the FileMaker
Server service on the master machine to log in using the privileged user account. That is, this user account
must have the Impersonate a client after authentication privilege enabled, and the account must be an
Administrator account and configured in Windows Active Directory on the network.
Important Before you can enable ODBC data source single sign-on, your Windows domain administrator must:
1 Configure the Account is trusted for delegation security setting for each user’s Windows user account.
1 Configure the Trust this user for delegation and Use Kerberos only security settings for the privileged user
account on the master machine.
1 Enable the Impersonate a client after authentication privilege for the privileged user account on the
master machine.
1 Configure the ODBC DSN to use Windows authentication on the master machine.
1 Configure Microsoft SQL Server to use Windows authentication.
To enable ODBC data source single sign-on on the master machine:
Control Panel > Administrative Tools
Services > FileMaker Server
then choose
Action > Properties
2. On the Log On tab, choose This account.
3. For This account, enter the privileged user account on the master machine, then click OK.
4. Choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights
Assignments > Act as part of the operation system.
5. On the Local Security Setting tab, click Add User or Group, then enter the privileged user account you
specified earlier for This account.
6. Click OK, then restart the FileMaker Server service.
Important You must also enable ODBC data source single sign-on in the FileMaker Pro databases hosted
by FileMaker Server. For more information, see FileMaker Pro Help.
Running a server-side script
You can create scheduled tasks to run:
1 FileMaker scripts in databases hosted by FileMaker Server
1 system-level scripts — for example, Windows batch, Perl, VBScript, and AppleScript
1 script sequences that combine a FileMaker script with an optional pre-processing system-level script and
an optional post-processing system-level script
To create a scheduled task for scripts, choose the Admin Console Schedules pane, select Create a Schedule
from the Actions menu, and click Perform Action. Then, choose Run Script. The Schedule assistant starts
and guides you through the rest of the process.