FS-RA-CLX_SlotServer_Instruction_Manual_(T17011) Page 20 of 34
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7.4. Step 4: Write Ladder Program to Send Output Data to Data Arrays
This step demonstrates how to write data to the Data Array Out[0]
• Create a Controller Tag called Lon_Out_01 of type REAL[80].
• Add a new rung to the Ladder program and add a MOV element to move a block number
value of 1 into Lon_Out_01[2].
• Finally add a CPS (Synchronous Copy File) element to copy the full Lon_Out_01 tag into
the Output Image Tag.
The LonWorks Data are present from Lon_Out_01[4] to Lon_Out_01[79]
You can create a User Defined Data Type to replace the type of Lon_Out_01 mapping the
points to LonWorks point names.
Very Important Note!
It is very important to only update all the data of the Output Image Tag once using a
Synchronous File Copy element. It is not permissible to update the block number into the
Output Image Tag and then the data as this will cause an asynchronous transfer of data.
7.5. Step 5: Download the RSLogix Program and Run
Use the Who Active or Communications Path directly to Download and Run the Program on
the Controller / CPU.
7.6. Step 6: Set up the third party connection
In this example, this step would involve binding the LonWorks variables using a LonWorks
Network Manager..