FS-8704-11 Telnet Driver Manual Page 4 of 6
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
4. Using the Serial Port Capture
4.1. Manual Serial Port Capture
• Once the FieldServer is up and running, connect to it using its IP address.
• Type port <Enter>
• When prompted, enter the name of the port to be captured (e.g. P8 <Enter>). The
driver will check if the desired port has been initialized by a “port” statement in the
configuration file. If the port has been initialized and is available, the driver will wait
for any current polls to finish, and will then print “Connected” to indicate that the port
is now under the control of the Telnet client. If a device is connected to the captured
serial port, you can now communicate with it as if you had a direct serial connection.
• To disconnect the port from the Telnet session, press Ctrl-C. This will also work
while the driver is still waiting for an active poll to complete.
• To terminate the Telnet session, close the Telnet client.
1. If a port has been manually captured in one Telnet session, it will not be available to
any other Telnet sessions. Other sessions attempting to capture the port will be
returned to the command prompt with an error message. To release a port, the
connected Telnet session must be disconnected.
2. Capturing a port makes the port unavailable to any protocol driver on the FieldServer
that might have been communicating with the device. Refer to the comments on
session_timeout above on how to prevent an indefinite lockout if a Telnet session
with a port capture is forgotten on.
3. A Serial connection needs to be specified before defining the Telnet connection
(which has autoconnect_port) or else the FieldServer will give system error.
Not Correct:
Adapter, Protocol, Autoconnect_port
N1, TLN, P1
Adapter, Baud, Timeout, Protocol
P1, 9600, 10s, -
Adapter, Protocol, Autoconnect_port
N1, TLN, P1