
FS -8700-59 Canatal Sachnet Driver Manual
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 (408) 262-2299 fax: (408) 262-9042
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Page 6
4.4.4 Map Descriptor Example
In this example two map descriptors are provided. The first reads Device 11 ( a Series 2 device) and obtains the Alarm Table. The second map descriptor reads
Device 23 ( a series 9 device) and reads the Cooling analog output (2nd element of table 10).
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, node_name, Address, Length, Cana_Series, Cana_table, Scan_Interval
DEV11_ALMS ,ALARMS ,220 , rdbc ,DEV11 , 0 ,19 , 2 ,11 , 1.0s
DEV23_COOL ,ANA_OUT ,0 , rdbc ,DEV23 , 1 ,1 , 9 ,10 , 1.0s
You need to know the series
of the device you are polling
and table number of the table
that contains the data of
Read section 6.1 for more
information or read the
vendor product literature.
Any name that is
meaningful to you.
The driver validates
map descriptors and
reports errors
referring to the map
descriptor name.
The data arrays are defined in the
Data_Arrays part of the CSV. Based on
these exampled the array called ALARMS
should be a byte or integer array as
alarms have the value 0,1 or 2 (acked) and
it must be at least 239 (220+19) elements
in size.
The array ANA_OUT is probably a
FLOAT and should have at least 1 element
in size.
These map
descriptors generate
read polls on a
continuous basis.
This is the offset
into the table being
Determine the offset
you should use by
reading the Canatal
Corporation Inc.
Product Literature.
The first element
from table 11 will
be placed in element
220 (the 221st
element) of the array
The node names
point the driver at a
Node definition
which specifies a
port and a device
The number of items
being read. Not the
number of bytes
being read.
The polls will ocur
every second.