FS-8700-39 EST3 Driver Manual Page 15 of 21
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Appendix A.7. Set Date and Time To Panel
The following Map Descriptors are required to set the Date and Time of the EST Panel
// First poke month(1-12) ,day(0-31) and year(yyyy) at offset 1 ,2 and 3 then poke 1 at offset 0 to
issue SetDate command
// First poke hour(0-23) ,min(0-59) and sec (0-59) at offset 1 ,2 and 3 then poke 1 at offset 0 to issue
SetTime command
MD_Set_Date ,DA_Set_Date ,0 ,Wrbx ,EST_1 ,SetDate ,1
MD_Set_Time ,DA_Set_Time ,0 ,Wrbx ,EST_1 ,SetTime ,1
The following Map Descriptor will enable the FieldServer to synchronize its clock with the EST panel
MD_SLV_TIME ,DA_TIME ,0 ,Passive
,EST_1 ,Date Time ,6