FS-8700-103_ATMI_TGM_Serial Manual Page 22 of 28
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Appendix C. Driver Error Messages
Notes and Corrective Action
TGM:#1 Err. Diagnostic #1.
If this message is printed an internal diagnostic has been
generated. Contact FieldServer tech support for help.
TGM:#2 Err. TGM_Function not
Each Map Descriptor must have the parameter called
“TGM_Function” set. See section 4.4.2
TGM:#3 FYI. Use an Array
called <%s> to expose
This message may be ignored. For more information read
Appendix C.1
TGM: #4c Err. Bad format in
latest area report. Discarding
4a: The text string “CUR=” could not be found in the QLA
4b: The text string “GAS=” could not be found in the QLA
4c: The text string “STATUS=” could not be found in the
QLA report.
If the error is printed rarely and data is being stored
correctly then the error probably arises from a corrupted
message. If the error occurs frequently then it is possible
that the report format has changed and the driver firmware
may require an update. To facilitate the evaluation of the
problem, take a serial communications log, ensuring at least
one of the errors occurs during the log, and then contact
Tech Support.
TGM: #5 FYI. atmitgm.ini being
used for malfunctions
This message is printed to alert you to the fact that the
malfunction list is being based on the contents of a TGM
config file. Refer to Appendix B.7. If you expect the driver to
be using this list, ignore the message.
TGM: #6 FYI. You could have
used a TGM config file to define
malfunctions. Working with hard
coded list.
This message is printed to alert you to the possibility that
the TGM config file can be used with this driver. Refer to
Appendix B.7.
TGM: #7 Err. Driver cannot
write. MD=%s
The Map Descriptor function has been set so that the driver
will attempt to write to the TGM. Writing is not possible.
Change the function to a read.
TGM: #8 Err. Array=%s too
short. Act/Rqd=%d/%d
This error is printed when the driver attempts to store data
from the QLA report. Modify the length of the Data Array as
discussed in section 4.1.
TGM: #9 FYI. Duplicate Gas
Value has been updated
from=%d to=%d
This message may be safely ignored. It is printed to alert
you to the fact that the driver has updated the Gas Name
table so that default values have been modified.
Modify the configuration CSV file. Download the modified file to the FieldServer and Reset the
FieldServer for the changes to take effect.