FS-8700-102 Honeywell Zellweger IR-148-8_8-Channel Manual Page 3 of 19
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1. Honeywell Zellweger IR-148 Description
The Honeywell Infrared Gas Monitor (Model IR-148) detects solvents and gases such as
HCFCs, HFCs and PFCs. IR-148 can have 1, 4 or 8 sampling points. This InfraTox driver
reports gas values, alarms and troubles from IR-148 having either 1 or 8 sampling points.
The serial driver can emulate a client or a server. The FieldServer and IR-148 device are
connected using a RS-485 network.
As a Client: The driver listens passively for messages from the Honeywell Zellweger IR-148 t
and stores data extracted from the messages. The driver cannot poll the IR-148 device for
data. The driver records some additional data age information (which is stored in the
FieldServer’s Data Arrays) because messages do not always contain information about all
sensors and depending on the IR-148 operational mode (e.g. Locked mode.), may never
contain information other than for one sensor.
As a Server: The Server side of this driver has been developed primarily to test the Client side
driver as part of FieldServer’s QA program. The driver sends messages reporting the state of
the samples. The Server driver can also be locked to report the status/value of one particular
sample channel.
It is possible to connect two Honeywell Zellweger units (IR-148) on one RS-485 network
provided that one unit is configured as a single point unit (IR-148 1 point) and the other as an 8
point unit (IR-148 8 point). At this stage only one device with 8 points has been tested.
To allow for the possibility that the device is connected on a RS-485 network with other devices
(such as the relay module option) messages that are not 49 bytes long and which do not begin
with 0xB1 will be ignored. The Driver will, however, provide statistics for the ignored as well as
the processed messages.
To see supported messages and the way the Driver stores Data, refer to Appendix A.2
Max Nodes Supported
FieldServer Mode Nodes Comments
Client 2 Tested only 1 node (IR-148 8 Point) per port
Server 2 Developed to test Client side of the Driver.