FS-8700-112 FCI 7100 Series Driver Manual Page 22 of 24
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Appendix B.1. Driver Stats Exposed.
In addition to the standard FieldServer operating statistics the driver exposes certain key
stats in a Data Array if required. An upstream device can then monitor these stats.
Add the following to your configuration file to activate these stats.
// Expose Driver Operating Stats.
Data_Array_Name, Data_Format, Data_Array_Length
fci-7100-stats, UINT32, 200
The driver exposes stats based on a port handle. The offset specified in the table below
must be added to the handle number multiplied by 100. i.e. for port whose handle is 1 then
the driver will store the 1
stat at 1+100*1=101.
Stat Offset Description
Increments each time point data
is received but there is no Map
Descriptor to store the data
Increments each time point data
is received but there is no Map
Descriptor to store Zone data
Increments each time point data
is received but there is no Map
Descriptor to store Relay data
Increments each time point data
is received but there is no MD to
store the Loop data
Increments each time point data
is received but there is no MD to
store the Sensor data
Increments each time point data
is received but there is no MD to
store the Module data
#define FCI_7100_STAT_EMPTY_MSG 7
Number of times that a message
line was was zero bytes long
(excluding the terminator)
#define FCI_7100_STAT_SHORT_MSG 8
Number of times that a message
line was was too short probably
a system id tag line
#define FCI_7100_STAT_NO_RESET 9
Increments each time a reset
was rcvd but no DA was reset
Increments each time point data
is received but there is no MD to
store data that cannot be
attributed to a zone, relay, loop,
sensor, module
#define FCI_7100_STAT_RCVD_MSGS 11
Increments each time a
message is received