Extron RGB 302/304 Universal Interface • User’s ManualPage A-1
Appendix A • Programmer’s Guide
Remote Control Port (RS-232)
The RGB 302/304 RS-232 port connector, shown
below, is used to connect to a host or external
controlling device, such as a computer or control
system which can generate the proper command
codes and recognize the RGB 302/304 responses.
The RS-232 connector is a 9-pin D female with the
following pin designations:
Pin RS-232 Usage
1 — No connection
2 Tx Transmit Data
3 Rx Receive Data
4 — No connection
5 Gnd Signal Ground
6 — No connection
7 — No connection
8 — No connection
9 — No connection
Commands and responses for programming the
RGB 302/304 Interface from a Host system connected
to the RS-232 port are listed on the next page.
The RS-232 protocol is 9600 baud, 8-bit, 1 stop bit and
no parity.