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Section 13 ... Extech IR-XMODEM Protocol
§ This is a proposed protocol for bi-directional data transfer through an Infrared channel. The
protocol is based on packet transfer utilizing checksum error detection. Format of the data
packet is shown below:
SOH (0x01) SEQ CSEQ ...DATA [128 Bytes]... Checksum
§ When powered on, the Extech printer will default to slave mode, requesting to receive
packets (sending a NAK character every 10 seconds). After receiving a magnetic card reader
request and the master closes the connection, the Extech printer switches to master mode. In
master mode the printer waits to receive a transmission request (NAK).
Summary of Extech IR-XMODEM transmission procedure:
Step Slave transmits: Master transmits: Notes:
1 NAK (0x16)
Packet send request (occurs every 10 seconds).
SEQ is reset to 1.
SOH (0x01)
"Start Of Header" character.
Eight bit packet sequence number.
Ones complement of SEQ.
If end of data go to step 8.
DATA (128 Bytes)
8-bit Checksum
Sum of DATA bytes, ignoring overflow.
7A** ACK (0x06)
Checksum is CORRECT.
Increment SEQ (packet 0 comes after 255).
Master may send next data packet: Return to step 2.
7B** NAK (0x16)
Checksum is INCORRECT.
Master must retransmit data packet: Return to step 2.
End transmission and disconnect procedure:
EOT (0x04)
"End of transmission" character.
127 zeros
Checksum (0x04)
11A** ACK (0x06)
Checksum is CORRECT.
End of transfer.
11B** NAK (0x06)
Checksum is INCORRECT.
Master must retransmit data packet: Return to step 2.
**Note (steps 7A, 7B, 11A and 11B): If the master fails to receive an ACK or NAK within five
seconds of checksum transmission, the master must retransmit the packet.