Confirm Key: Double confirm network key.
IP Status: Show IP status when wireless connection, including IP Type, IP Address,
Subnet mask, Gateway, Primary DNS, Secondary DNS.
Press Apply to apply the setting changes or Reset to reset without saving the change.
4.4 Video
The settings relating video such as streaming, camera OSD can be configured on
this page.
The "Video" page has 2 tabs: the [Multi-streaming] tab and the [Camera] tab.
4.4.1 Multi Streaming
Channel 1/2 Stream Setting
The system can output 4 video streams simultaneously. For each of them, user can
set compression format, resolution, quality and frame rate individually. Stream 1 is
always enabled for live view.
Check “Enable” box to enable other streams.
Format: Select encode format from H.264, MPEG4 and MJPEG.