Figure 2-55 PTZ OSD- Info Window
1. PRESET-CNT: Preset counter. This counter counts the preset movement,
and 1 is counted when the speed dome runs to preset position.
2. X-CONT: X-axis counter. This counter counts the x axis movement, and 1 is
counted when the speed dome pans 360°.
3. Y-CONT: Y-axis counter. This counter counts the y axis movement, and 1 is
counted when the speed dome tilts 180°.
4. Click Cancel button to return to previous menu. EXIT
Press ► button/ ◄ button/ Cancel button on EXIT option after you finish all the
settings. It will return to live screen.
The EPN2700/3100/3600 camera can transmit audio to other clients using a
built-in microphone or connecting to external microphone, and play audio
received from other clients via connected speakers. This section describes
how to configure the basic audio settings.