Result Type: Thumbnail is used as result type.
Search Date: Select search date and time
Search Direction: Select search direction, either forward or backward.
Search Camera: Select which camera to be searched.
Result Interval: Select interval of the snapshot to be searched. Available from 1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 30 min,
1 hour, 2 hour, 4 hour, 12 hour and 1 day.
Press Search button to start Search. Thumbnails of the Snapshot will be displayed on the screen. First
thumbnail is the search date/time, date/time of the second thumbnail will be the interval set in “Result
Interval” next to the first thumbnail, and so on. If “forward” is selected as search direction, a white frame
will surround the selected snapshot at the first thumbnail. If backward is selected, the search date/time will
be displayed at the last thumbnail and a white frame will surround the selected snapshot at the last
Snapshot search result symbols:
View the 8 next snapshots
Close window and return to search menu
Playback of selected snapshot video
View the 8 previous snapshots
3.12 COPY
To bring up Copy menu:
By mouse: Right-click to bring up the menu bar and click on to enter Copy Menu.
By front panel: Press the “Copy” key to enter Copy Menu directly.