23015-3-0707Page 6
Input Btu/hr Maximum 25,000 25,000
Btu/hr Minimum 17,000 17,000
KWH (Maximum) 7.30 7.30
(Minimum) 5.00 5.00
Orifice #53 (0.0596) #42 (0.0935)
Air Shutter Opening Full Open 1/8”
LP Nat
Input Btu/hr Maximum 33,000 33,000
Btu/hr Minimum 25,000 25,000
KWH (Maximum) 9.57 9.57
(Minimum) 7.30 6.67
#51 (0.067) #34 (0.111)
Air Shutter Opening Full Open 3/16”
LP Nat
Input Btu/hr Maximum 35,000 35,000
Minimum 27,000 25,000
KWH (Maximum) 10.15 10.15
(Minimum) 7.83 7.30
Orifice #50 (0.070) #33 (0.113)
Air Shutter Opening Full Open 3/16”
Venting Kits Description Contents
DVKI Vertical Vent Kit - 17 1/2’ One piece of 35’ FlexVent (split for 17 1/2’ vent run), Round Cap, Flashing,
connectors, and clamps.
Recommended when installing to an existing round fireplace chimney pipe.
DVVK3FV Vertical Vent Kit - 25’ Two pieces of 25’ FlexVent, Rectangle Cap, Flashing, connectors, and clamps
Recommended when installing to a square or rectangular clay flue.
DVK35 Vent Extension Kit 35’ flex vent extension section with 2 connectors and 4 clamps
Note: When installing vent caps, special locally made flashings may be required to properly seal the vent system to the existing
chimney termination.
Remote Control
FRBC Millivolt Battery Remote ON/OFF
FRBTC Millivolt Battery Remote T-Stat
TMV Millivolt WIRELESS Wall Thermostat
TRW Millivolt Reed Switch Wall Thermostat
Surround Kits Description
S256BL 6” Wide, black for use on DV25IN models
S336BL 6” Wide, black for use on DV33IN models
S356BL 6” Wide, black for use on DV35IN models
Traditional Cast Iron
SC256BL 6” Wide, black for use on DV25IN models
SC336BL 6” Wide, black for use on DV33IN models
SC356BL 6” Wide, black for use on DV35IN models