Owners Manual
V = 331m/s + (0.6m/s/C) * T
The speed of sound at room temperature is 346 meters per second. At
freezing temperatures sound travels at 331 meters per second. V is the
speed of sound and T is the temperature of the air. This formula finds
the average speed of sound for any given temperature (celcius). The
speed of sound is also affected by other factors such as humidity and air
Editing mode is where the Edit Mode
(Standard Edit or Full Edit) is set. The
DC-One defaults to Standard Edit mode
wherein, input and output channel
parameters are appropriately linked.
(See page 50 for more.) In Full Edit
mode, no parameter links are enforced,
regardless of the configuration selected.
Use the <SELECT> key to navigate to
the EDITING parameter to choose your
editing preferences.
Lock - Front Panel Access
A lockout mode has been provided for the installer to protect the system
settings from being modified by a user. This can be set from the front panel
or from the GUI software.
From the front panel -
Use the <SELECT> key to navigate to
the Lock menu. Use the VALUE key to
choose your four digit code. Then use
the <SELECT> key navigate to the
Store parameter, to lock or unlock
front panel editing.
From the GUI -
Open the DC-One’s GUI and choose
Front Panel Access from the
Window pull-down menu. Doing so
will bring up the Front Panel Access
GUI that will present the unit’s
currently loaded state including preset (U## or F##), DSP Blocks and
Parameters. Any or all of the DC-One’s DSP Blocks and/or individual
parameters within the DSP blocks can be locked or hidden from this
window by selecting the corresponding box to engage the lock icon. For
example, an installer may chose to lock and hide all Limiter parameters,
lock all Crossover parameters but leave them visible, and lock the last 5
Input PEQ filters, leaving the first 4 available for the user to edit and
For more
on this see
GUI Quick
Start Guide