Error codes from MCU
Error code 31, HEAT SINK TOO HOT
This error code is generated by the motor control. There is a temperature
sensor (NTC) mounted on the motor control cooling flange next to the po-
wer transistors in the output stage. If the temperature of the cooling flange
gets too high (> 90°C) the error code will be set to protect the transistors.
The cause of high cooling flange temperature can be e.g. a stiff drum in
combination with intensive use and high ambient temperature. There may
also be an error in the motor (sticking bearings or short circuit in windings,
which impairs the efficiency of the motor).
• Makesurethedrumturnseasily.
• Checkthevalueontheerrorcodecounterforerrorcode31.
• Checkthelast8motorcontrolerrorcodes.
• Starta90°Cnormalprogramwithloadoncontinuousoperationand
measure the temperature of the motor and motor control.
• Replacethedefectivepart.