Error code 04, NTC LOW TEMP
This error code is generated by the CPU board. This error code is display-
ed if the temperature around the NTC sensor is below approx. -9°C.
A low temperature means the resistance in the sensor is too high, above
approx. 23.7 kohm. This can be because the machine has been standing
outdoors, an open circuit in the sensor, a break in the cable to the sensor,
The resistance should be as shown in the table below:
Approximate values of a error free temperature sensor
T (°C) R (ohm)
19 6100
20 5850
21 5600
22 5350
23 5100
Error code 05, NTC HIGH TEMP
This error code is generated by the CPU board. This error code is display-
ed if the temperature around the NTC sensor exceeds +98 degrees C.
A high temperature means the resistance in the sensor is too low, lower
than approx. 350 ohm. This can be caused by a short circuit in the sensor,
break in the cable to the sensor, etc.
Error code 06, WATER IN MACHINE
This error code is generated by the CPU board. This error code may ap-
pear only in the case of rapid advance to the end of the program. The error
code will appear if the level system has not indicated “empty drum” within
a certain time (approx. 3 min). This time may vary depending on the size of
the machine.
• Checkdrainfordirt.
• Blowthroughthelevelhoseandcheckthatitisnotblockedanddoes
not contain any water.
• Checkintheserviceprogramthatthelevelcontrolisworkingcorrectly.
• Checkfordetergentoverdosing.