Description Weight Liquid Power Duration Standing Remarks/Hints
in (g) added (Watt) (mins) time (mins)
Cauliflower 500 1/8 l 750 7-9 2 Dot with butter.
Frozen 300 1/8 l 750 6-8 2 Stalks facing outwards.
broccoli .
Mushrooms 250 none 750 3-5 2 Cut into slices.
Frozen peas 300 1/2 cup 750 5-8 2
and carrots
Carrots 250 2-3 tsp 750 5-7 2 Cut into cubes or slices.
Potatoes 250 2-3 tsp 750 3-5 2 Peel and quarter.
Kohlrabi 250 1/2 cup 750 5-7 2 Cut into spikes or slices.
Red/green 250 none 750 3-5 2 Cut into spikes or slices.
Leeks 250 1/2 cup 750 3-5 2 Cut into rings or pieces.
Frozen Brussel 300 1/2 cup 750 6-8 2
Sauerkraut 250 1/2 cup 750 5-7 2
Cooking vegetables
Cook all vegetables in a covered container. l = litre
Cooking fish
The times stated here are for guidance only, and depend on the nature and type of
food being cooked.
Description Weight Power Duration Standing Remarks/Hints
in (g) (Watt) (mins) time (mins)
Fish fillets 500 600 7-9 3 Cook covered. Turn half-
way through cooking
Whole fish 800 1. 750 3-4 Cover during cooking.
2. 450 14-17 3 Turn halfway through
cooking time.
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