PIZZA (4 round Ø 28cm)
Tomato sauce
Ingredients for the dough:
– 500 g flour, strong plain
– 250 ml water
– 20 g yeast
– 1egg
– 2 tblsp olive oil
– 1 tsp salt
Method for the dough:
Dissolve the yeast in the water and knead to a soft dough with the oth-
er ingredients.
Cover the dough and leave to rise for 30 minutes until it doubles in
Ingredients for the tomato sauce
– 2 tins peeled, chopped tomatoes (800 g)
– 100 g onions, finely chopped
– 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
– Salt, pepper, oregano or pizza herbs
Method for the tomato sauce
Mix onions, garlic, seasoning and herbs into the tomatoes and reduce
the liquid, until a thick sauce is produced. Leave to cool.
Ingredients for the topping:
600 g Feta or Mozzarella, cut into 1cm cubes,
per pizza 150 g
Toppings 400 g
Ham, salami, mushrooms, diced bacon, anchovies,
per pizza 100 g
To put the pizza together
Divide the dough into 4 portions, make them into rounds and roll them
out, using a lot of flour, into discs approx. 3-4mm thick. Spread the
discs of dough with cold tomato sauce, leaving about 1cm free at the
edge. Put the preferred toppings and the Feta or Mozzerella on top
evenly spread out.