Auto Discover
Click the button will search the camera within the network automatically.
Camera List
The list shows the camera name and the setup status of the camera.
It means the camera is in the default setting.
It means the camera is configured before.
Click “Add” will appear a window for you to enter the IP Address of the camera on the Internet.
Click “Delete” to delete the camera from the list.
Camera List
The list shows the camera name and the connect status of the camera.
It means the camera is disconnected or not in the Internet.
It means the camera is connected.
Information of Camera
It displays all information of the selected camera. The information includes Firmware Version,
Network Information, IP Address, UPnP Setting, DDNS Setting, Resolution and E-mail setting, etc.
Camera Setting
Detail Setting
Click “Detail Setting” to do more setting of the camera such as IP address, Resolution, password
and firmware upgrade, etc.
Setting Wizard
Click “Setting Wizard” to setup the necessary setting for the camera.
6.1.2. Detail Setting
When you click the “Detail Setting”, a screen will pop up for you to enter the “Administrator Name” and “Password”.
The default value is
Name: “Admin” & Password: “1234”
If the name and password you enter are correct, you can start to setup the camera.