Section 3: Basic Sonar Operation
This section addresses the unit's most basic sonar operations. The in-
structions presented in Sec. 3 follow a chronological order. Sec. 4, Sonar
Options & Other Features, will discuss other more advanced functions
and utilities. Material in Sec. 4 is arranged in alphabetical order.
Before you turn on the sonar unit, it's a good idea to learn about the
different keys, the Main Menu, the four Page screens and how they all
work together. BUT, if you just can't wait to get on the water, turn to
the one-page Quick Reference on page 49.
SeaCharter 320DF sonar/GPS unit, front view, showing map with so-
nar split screen, keyboard and access door for the MMC slot.
1. PWR/LIGHT (Power & Light) – The PWR key turns the unit on and
off and activates the backlight.
2. PAGES – Pressing this and the ← → arrow keys switches the unit
between the four different page screens. (Satellite Status Page, Naviga-
tion Page, Map Page and Sonar Page.) Each page represents one of the
unit's major operation modes.
3. MENU – Press this key to show the menus and submenus, which
allow you to select a command or adjust a feature. This also accesses
search functions for streets, intersections, addresses and highway exits.
MMC slot access door