
Other Free Training Aids
The following section discusses Fish I.D., fish alarms and other fea-
tures in greater detail. If you or a friend has Internet access, you can
also learn more about interpreting what you see on your sonar screen.
Visit our web site,
WWW.EAGLESONAR.COM. Be sure to check out the
free Sonar Tutorial, which includes animated illustrations and more
pictures of actual sonar returns, all described in detail. There's even a
"printer friendly" version of the tutorial available on our web siteā€¦it
makes a great supplement to this operation manual!
For the ultimate training aid, be sure to download the free emulator
software for your unit. Aside from being just plain fun, this program
can help you learn both basic and advanced operations without burning
boat fuel! Eagle is the first sonar manufacturer to provide this type of
training tool for customers.
This PC application simulates the actual sonar unit on your computer.
You can run it from your computer keyboard or use your mouse to press
the virtual keys. Easy download and installation instructions are avail-
able on our web site.