Dukane Manual Part No. 403-570-01
Page 35
Section 5 - Touch Screen Menus
Rotation Method
In this method, the weld duration is controlled by
completing a specied number of spin revolutions. The
Weld Parameters button is used to enter the settings
shown in Figure 5-13. The Weld Rotations eld species
the number of weld revolutions. The actual number
of weld rotations as reported on the RUN screen after
the weld will be larger than the number entered in this
eld and depends on the deceleration and whether nal
orientation is enabled (see Orientation Option below).
The VERT Speed (mm/s), SPIN RPM, and Dir. elds
are the same as in the Time Method. The DONE button
causes a return to the main WELD tab screen.
Distance Method
In this method, the weld duration is controlled by vertical
travel to a specied absolute or collapse distance. The
Weld Parameters button is used to enter the settings
shown in Figure 5-14. The Vertical (mm) eld species
the travel distance, depending on the position of the
Collapse / Absolute switch located on the bottom of the
screen. If the switch selection is Collapse as shown in
Figure 5-14, the travel distance is measured relative to
the trigger point. If the switch selection is Absolute as
shown in Figure 5-15, the travel distance is measured
from the press topmost, or 0 position (also referred to
as the “home” position). The Teach Position button is
available in the Absolute Distance mode, which allows
the position to be dened by physically jogging the press
down to the desired weld end position. The layout of the
Teach Position screen is very similar to the TRIGGER
Position screen shown in Figure 5-8. Directly below
the Vertical (mm) eld is the minimum weld distance,
which is automatically calculated by the welder based
on other parameters such as speed and deceleration. The
VERT Speed (mm/s), SPIN RPM, and Dir. elds are the
same as in the Time Method. The DONE button causes
a return to the main WELD tab screen.
Figure 5–13 Weld Parameters Screen for Rotation
Figure 5–15 Weld Parameters Screen for Distance
Method with Absolute Switch Selection
Figure 5–14 Weld Parameters Screen for Distance
Method with Collapse Switch Selection