Using the Smoke-It-Tray
The Smoke-It-Tray
uses presoaked wood chips. For best results with faster cooking
foods like steaks, burgers and chops, etc., we recommend using fi ner wood chips
because they ignite and create smoke faster. For longer cooking foods such as roasts,
chicken and turkeys, etc., we recommend using larger wood chips because they ignite
slowly and provide smoke for a longer period of time. As you gain experience in using
your Smoke-It-Tray
, we encourage you to experiment with different types of wood
chips and chunks to fi nd the smoke fl avor that best suits your taste.
To use the Smoke-It-Tray
As a starting point, soak wood chips in water for at least 30 minutes before using.
(Wet wood will produce more smoke fl avor.) Place a handful of wood chips in the
bottom of the Smoke-It-Tray
. As you gain experience in smoking, increase or decrease
the amount of wood to suit your taste.
Note: Always grill with the lid closed to allow the smoke to fully penetrate the food.
Make sure that grill is off and cool before handling cooking
grate and/or Smoke-It-Tray
Heating the Smoke-It-Tray
There are two methods for using your Smoke-It-Tray
(1) Place Smoke-It-Tray
above the Rotis-A-Grate
. Light the Rotis-A-Grate
. After
wood starts to smolder, turn control knob to “LO”.
(2) For a more smoky fl avor, remove one of the cooking grates and position the Smoke-
to the left or right side of cookbox. Light the burner closest to the Smoke-It-
. After wood starts to smolder, turn control knob to “LO”.
Smoke will start in approximately 10 minutes and last as long as 45 minutes. If you
require more smoke fl avor, refi ll the Smoke-It-Tray
with wood chips. Keep the lid of
the grill closed while cooking.
Note: After refi lling Smoke-It-Tray
, smoke will take about 10 to 15 minutes to start again.
Do not use any flammable fluid in the Smoke-It-Tray
ignite the wood. This will cause serious bodily injury.
Cleaning the Smoke-It-Tray
Before each use, empty the Smoke-It-Tray
of ash to allow proper air fl ow.
Note: Smoking will leave a “smoke” residue on the surface of the Smoke-It-Tray
. This residue
cannot be removed and will not affect the function of the Smoke-It-Tray
. To a lesser
degree a “smoke” residue will accumulate on the inside of your gas grill. This residue
need not be removed and will not adversely affect the function of your gas grill.