
Telnet Command Reference Guide V1.1
2.23.5 voip sip voip sip acc
This command allows users to set SIP account.
voip sip acc n [-<command><parameter>]
voip sip acc n[…]
Syntax Description
n It means the index number of the VoIP settings.
-<command><parameter> The available commands with parameters are listed below:
-p<profile> It means the name of the account profile (maximum 11
-r 0/1/2/3 It means registration mode.
0: none
1: auto
2: WAN
-o<port> It means to set the port number for sending/receiving SIP
message for building a session. The default value is 5060.
-d<domain> It means to set the domain name or IP address of the SIP
Registrar server. The maximum is 63 characters.
-y<proxy> It means to set domain name or IP address of SIP proxy server.
The maximum is 63 characters.
-b 0/1 It means to enable/disable SIP account outbound proxy. 0 means
Disable; and 1 means Enable.
-s 0/1 It means to enable/disable the locating SIP server. 0 means
Disable; and 1 means Enable.
-N<name> It means to set the display name for SIP account. The maximum
is 23 characters.
-n<number> It means to set the number for the SIP account. The maximum is
63 characters.
-a<id> It means to set an ID used for authentication. The maximum is
63 characters.
-A 0/1 It means to enable/disable the usage of SIP authentication ID. 0
means Disable; and 1 means Enable.
-p <passwd> It means to set the password of the SIP account. The maximum
is 63 characters.
-e <sec> It means to set the expiry time for the SIP account. The default
value is 3600 seconds.
-w 0/1 It means to enable/disable phone call without register. 0 means
Disable; and 1 means Enable.