
VLAN Settings (Virtual Local Area Network)
VID Table Setting: select the VID group that you set.
When you select VID Table Setting, press “Add new VID” to create
new VID group, from port 01 ~ port 16, select Untag Port, Tag Port
or Not Member for each port. To save the VID group, press
“Apply” button. To remove the selected VID group, select the VID
group and press “Remove the VID” button. To modify the VID
group setting, select the VID group and change the setting, and
press “Apply” button to save the settings.
Figure 19. 802.1Q VID Table Setting
Port VID Setting:
When you select Port VLAN setting, fill in each port’s PVID value
between 1 and 4094.
Figure 20. 802.1Q Port VID Setting