
Reset Functions
This section allows you to reset specific parts of the device. Currently this involves the video
engine and the DKVM-IP1 switch itself. Resetting the card itself is mainly needed to activate
a newly updated firmware. It will close all current connections to the administration console
and to the Remote Console. The whole process will take about half a minute. Resetting sub
devices (e.g. video engine) will take some seconds only and do not result in closing
6.6.2 Even log
Figure 6-33. Event Log List
Figure 6-33 displays the log list including the events that are logged by the DKVM-IP1 switch.
6.6.3 Update Firmware
Figure 6-34. Update Firmware
The DKVM-IP1 switch is a complete standalone computer. The software it runs is called the
firmware. The firmware of the DKVM-IP1 switch can be updated remotely in order to install
new functionality or special features.