
xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch
The following parameters may be configured or viewed.
Parameter Description
Pool Name
Enter the name of the DHCP pool within which will be created a manual DHCP binding entry.
IP Address
Enter the IP address to be statically bound to a device within the local network that will be specified
by entering the Hardware Address in the following field.
Enter the MAC address of the device to be statically bound to the IP address entered in the
previous field.
This field is used to specify the type of connection for which this manually bound entry will be set.
Ethernet will denote that the manually bound device is connected directly to the Switch, while the
IEEE802 denotes that the manually bound device is outside the local network of the Switch.
Click Apply to set the entry.
DHCP Server Excluded Address Settings
The following window will allow the user to set an IP address, or a range of IP addresses that are NOT to be included in the range
of IP addresses that the Switch will allot to clients requesting DHCP service. To view this window, click L3 features > DHCP
Server > DHCP Server Excluded Address Settings. To set an IP address or range of IP addresses, enter the Begin Address of
the range and then the End Address of the range and click Apply. Set address ranges will appear in the DHCP Excluded
Address Table in the bottom half of the screen, as shown below.
Figure 8- 48. DHCP Server Excluded Address Settings and DHCP Server Excluded Address Table window
DHCP Server Conflict IP Table
The following window will allow users to delete IP addresses that conflict with the DHCP server. To view this window, click L3
features > DHCP Server > DHCP Server Conflict IP Table. To delete an entry enter the IP address and click on the Delete
button, to clear all conflicting IP addresses click the Clear All button.
Figure 8- 49. DHCP Server Conflict IP Table