116170-01A 7
Figure 10 - Typical Generator Grounding
Method (Generator construction may
vary from that shown)
Ground Lug
Ground Wire (#10
AWG - Stranded-
or Brass
WARNING: Before operating
heater or any appliance from a
portable generator, verify that
generator has been properly con-
nected to earth ground. Improper
grounding or failure to ground
generator can result in electro-
cution if a ground fault occurs.
Refer to owner’s manual supplied
by generator manufacturer for
proper grounding procedures.
The operating voltage range of the heater is 108 to
132 Volts (120 Volts +/- 10%). Prior to plugging
heater into generator the output voltage should
be verified (if generator is equipped with the au-
tomatic idle feature, the output voltage should be
measured with the generator running at full speed).
If the voltage does not measure in this range the
heater should not be plugged into the generator.
Refer to
Operation, page 6, for starting, stopping,
and resetting heater procedures.
Note: If shipping, transport companies require
fuel tanks to be empty.
1. Drain fuel tank. Note: Some models have
drain plug on underside of fuel tank. If so, re
move drain plug to drain all fuel. If heater does
not have drain plug, drain fuel through fuel cap
opening. Be sure all fuel is removed.
2. Replace drain plug if provided.
3. If any debris is noted in old fuel, add 1 or 2
quarts of clean kerosene to tank, stir, and drain
again. This will prevent excess debris from
clogging filters during future use.
4. Replace fuel cap or drain plug. Properly dis
pose of old and dirty fuel. Check with local
automotive service stations that recycle oil.
5. If storing, store heater in dry place. Make sure
storage place is free of dust and corrosive
Do not store kerosene over summer
months for use during next heating season. Using
old fuel could damage heater.