Chapter 5 Parameters|VFD-S Series
5-62 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61
Group 9: Communication Parameters
9-00 Communication Address
Settings d1 to d254 Factory Setting: d1
If the AC drive is controlled by RS-485 serial communication, the communication address
must be set via this parameter.
S1 S1
9-01 Transmission Speed
Factory Setting: d1
Settings d0 Baud rate 4800 bps (bits / second)
d1 Baud rate 9600 bps
d2 Baud rate 19200 bps
d3 Baud rate 38400 bps
Users can set parameters and control the operation of the AC drive via the RS-485 serial
interface of a personal computer. This parameter is used to set the transmission speed
between the computer and AC drive.
9-02 Transmission Fault Treatment
Factory Setting: d0
Settings d0 Warn and keep operating
d1 Warn and RAMP to stop
d2 Warn and COAST to stop
d3 No warning and keep operating