Problem Possible Causes Corrective Actions
2. Airlock.
3. Unnecessary obstruction of waterflow
(i.e., partially closed valve).
4. Undersized piping.
5. Horizontal pipe run too long.
6. Improper hydraulic pipe design.
7. Outlet vortex breaker provided.
2. Install an air bleed valve at highest point
of piping, usually at a vertical angle.
3. Remove obstruction.
4. Increase pipe size.
5. Shorten, if possible.
6. Correct design.
7. Remove vortex breaker.
Excessively high water level in tower basin
on closed loop system installations
1. Make-up valve float set too high.
2. Valve or float damaged or
3. Make-up water pressure too high.
1. Readjust float arm.
2. Repair or replace.
3. Reduce pressure or contact Delta for
alternate solutions.
Uneven water level in tower basins of multi-
cell installations
1. Unbalanced system hydraulics.
2. More than one make-up valve
operating, and set for different water
1. A. Install equalizer line with isolation
valves between modules.
C. Adjust inlet water flow to insure equal
distribution to each cooling tower
D. Review outlet header hydraulics and
correct piping design, if applicable.
E. Contact Delta for assistance.
2. A. Adjust float level settings relative
To one another.
B. Shut-off and or/throttle flow to
one or more valves.
C. Installation of equalizers is
highly recommended.
Excessive water carry over (drift) 1. Surfaces of top layer of fill damaged
causing “pooling” of water.
2. Eliminator(s) not in place.
3. Damaged eliminator.
4. Excess water flow.
5. Orifices in spray nozzles clogged
causing improper water dispersement.
6. Blockage of fill.
1. Replace top layer. Protect fill when working
inside tower.
2. Reinstall.
3. Replace.
4. Reduce water flow or install spray nozzles
designed for the actual operating flow.
5. Install outlet strainer. Clean whole system
and spray nozzles.
6. Clean fill.
Premature or excessive corrosion of fan
drive components
1. Excessive drift.
2. Presence of corrosive chemicals in air
or water that was not known at time of
1. See “ Excessive Water Carry Over (Drift)”
2. Remove source of corrosion or contact Delta
for alternative materials, premium coatings
or other precautions.