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SW1-5 − Receiver Dynamic Range
ON =
10 to −43 dBm
OFF = +3 to −30 dBm
For a low receive signal level, set SW1-5 to ON (−43 dBm ). For short
distances or to select a strong receive signal, set SW1-5 to OFF.
SW1-6 and SW1-7 − Cable Equalizer (Fast-Poll Mode Only)
SW1-6 ON = Enable TX Cable Equalizer
OFF = Disable TX Cable Equalizer
SW1-7 ON = Enable RX Cable Equalizer
OFF = Disable RX Cable Equalizer
To improve or extend the modem’s polling performance, use the fixed
Compromise Cable Equalizer when polling on long metallic circuits.
The cable equalizer is active only when the modem is in fast-poll mode
(SW3-1 set to OFF).
SW1-8 − Anti-streaming
SW1-8 ON = Anti-streaming active
OFF = Anti-stream inactive
Typically, anti-streaming is used in multi-point applications to prevent
a malfunctioning slave modem from occupying the line indefinitely.
When anti-streaming is active, the modem can transmit data for a
maximum of 27 seconds before the transmitter turns off automatically.
The modem then looks for an ON-to-OFF Request To Send (RTS)
transition before proceeding with normal operation. Anti-streaming can
be selected in either high-speed or low-speed mode.