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44 Owner’s Manual
• Orientation
• Show Manoeuvre details (automatic appearance or not)
•Map Perspective
• Point of Interest Options
Display Mode: Auto changes between Day and Night schemes near sunrise
and sunset. Day shows the map with a bright background. Night shows the
map with a darker background to reduce glare in the vehicle.
Orientation: North Up orients the map with North toward the top. Heading Up
orients the map with the direction you are driving in toward the top of the
Show Manoeuvre details: Auto automatically switches from Map view to
Manoeuvre details as you approach a manoeuvre. Manual requires the use
of the Navigate menu to switch to the Manoeuvre detail screen.
Map Perspective: 3D-1 shows the map in the highest of the 3D (three-
dimensional) views. 3D-2 shows the map in the middle of the 3D views. 3D-3
shows the map in the lowest of the 3D views. 2D shows the map as if you
were looking straight down on it.
Point of Interest Options: Default displays a common list of Point of Interest
(POI) types, including transportation, hospitals and shopping POIs. A check
mark next to Show indicates the icons will be displayed. Clearing the check
mark does not display the icons. Choose opens the Categories to Display
screen, where you select which categories of POIs you want displayed.
NOTE: A maximum of 50 POI icons can be shown on the map simultaneously.
The Navigation System groups Points of Interest into categories and lets you
choose which categories are shown on the map. Categories that have check
marks on the Categories to Display screen are shown on the map when POIs
are displayed.