Dell recommends creating zones using a single initiator host port and multiple Storage Center ports.
WWN Zoning Guidelines
When WWN zoning is configured, a device may reside on any port or change physical ports and still be
visible because the switch is seeking a WWN.
List of guidelines for WWN zoning.
• Include all Storage Center virtual WWNs in a single zone.
• Include all Storage Center physical WWNs in a single zone.
• For each host server HBA port, create a zone that includes the single HBA WWN and multiple Storage
Center virtual WWNs on the same switch.
• For Fibre Channel replication:
– Include all Storage Center physical WWNs from Storage Center system A and Storage Center
system B in a single zone.
– Include all Storage Center physical WWNs of Storage Center system A and the virtual WWNs of
Storage Center system B on the particular fabric.
– Include all Storage Center physical WWNs of Storage Center system B and the virtual WWNs of
Storage Center system A on the particular fabric.
NOTE: Some ports may not be used or dedicated for replication, however ports that are used
must be in these zones.
Port Zoning Guidelines
When port zoning is configured, only specific switch ports are visible. If a storage device is moved to a
different switch port that is not part of the zone, it is no longer visible to the other ports in the zone.
List of port zoning guidelines.
• Include all Storage Center front-end ports.
• For each host server port, create a zone that includes a single server HBA port and all Storage Center
• Create server zones which contain all Storage Center front-end ports and a single server port.
• For Fibre Channel replication, include all Storage Center front-end ports from Storage Center system
A and Storage Center system B in a single zone.
Labeling the Front-End Cables
Label the front-end cables to indicate the storage controller and port to which they are connected.
Locate the pre-made front-end cable labels that shipped with the storage system.
About this task
Apply cable labels to both ends of each cable that connects a storage controller to a front-end fabric or
network, or directly to host servers.
1. Starting with the top edge of the label, attach the label to the cable near the connector.
Front-End Cabling