Troubleshooting 41
Device not available at Device may not be ready at this time. The device will be
retried. If the problem persists, restart your system.
Spinning up the device! The device currently being scanned is being spun up.
ERROR! Device is not responding to
Read Capacity
The device did not respond to a read capacity command.
Contact Dell.
Failed to add device, too many
Could not allocate resources for additional devices.
ERROR! Adapter Malfunctioning! The adapter did not initialize properly. There may be a
problem with the adapter configuration. Reload the BIOS
configuration. Invoke the configuration utility again and see
if the issue persists.
MPT firmware fault The LSI Logic MPT firmware faulted. Contact Dell.
Adapter removed from boot order! An controller that was previously in the boot order was not
found. It has either been removed from the system or moved
to a different slot.
Updating Adapter List! A new adapter was found for which there is no record.
A record will be created for it.
Adapter(s) disabled by user An adapter was found, but it has been disabled in the
Configuration Utility and will not be used by the BIOS.
Adapter configuration may have
changed, reconfiguration is
A controller has been moved or reinstalled in the system. Add
it to the boot order using the available resources.
Memory allocation failed The controller could not allocate enough memory to load the
Configuration Utility, its strings file, or its options file.
Reboot the system.
Invalid or corrupt image One of the images for the Configuration Utility, its strings
file, or its options file is corrupt. Reload the BIOS. Reflash the
Image upload failed Could not upload the image for the Configuration Utility, its
strings file, or its options file. Reload the BIOS.Reflash the
Table 6-4. BIOS Error Messages (continued)
Message Meaning
book.book Page 41 Wednesday, July 25, 2007 10:58 AM