| User Authentication
You can preview the image of your custom tile in Preview.
5 Tap Next.
6 Enter the account password and NFC ID.
To display the Home screen of your account when you turn on the printer, select the
Initial Login check box.
• If no account is specified as Initial Login, the portal screen is displayed when you turn on
the printer.
• You can create a new account without setting the account password and NFC ID.
• When the NFC Authentication is disabled, NFC ID is not displayed. NFC Authentication is
available on Dell H625cdw and Dell H825cdw.
• When you use UID as the NFC ID, enter the hexadecimal characters. The characters A to F
should be entered in the capital letters.
7 Tap Done Done.
Editing the User Account
1 Tap in the portal screen.
2 Tap OK.
3 Tap the account tile you want to edit.
4 Edit the account name, tile color, password, NFC ID, or Initial Login.
• When the NFC authentication is disabled, NFC ID is not displayed. NFC Authentication is
available on Dell H625cdw and Dell H825cdw.
5 Tap Done.
Deleting the User Account
1 Tap in the portal screen.
2 Tap OK.
3 Tap and hold the account tile you want to delete.
4 Drag the tile to .
5 Tap OK.
Account Settings 1/2
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