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Simple Network Management Protocol. The protocol governing network
management and the monitoring of network equipment.
Staggered pin grid array. A type of socket for a computer chip. The SPGA
socket has all its pins in staggered rows, as opposed to the PGA socket, which
has its pins lined up in even rows.
Sequenced packet exchange. A transport layer protocol that works with IPX to
ensure reliable data transmissions. See also IPX/SPX.
Static random-access memory (RAM). Referred to as “static” because it retains
a value as long as power is supplied, unlike DRAM, which must be refreshed
A term used to indicate a manufacturing “version number” or “revision level”
of an Intel microprocessor. The initial version of a new processor is the A0
step. As revisions are made for functional fixes or manufacturing
improvements, the stepping is increased. Intel recommends using identical
steppings of processors in dual-processor systems.
Shielded twisted pair. A common type of copper wiring used for Ethernet
networks. STP wiring is constructed just like UTP, having two insulated
copper wires wound around each other to form a “twisted pair.” However, for
some business locations, twisted pairs are also enclosed in a shield that
functions as a ground.
D-shaped connectors on your computer that typically have 9, 15, or 25 pins
and can be male or female. Also referred to as D-Sub connectors.
System Setup
A utility that allows you to configure user-selectable options in the BIOS such
a s d a t e a n d t i m e, or s y st e m pa s s wo r d , a s w el l a s to se t t he c u rr e n t c on f i gu r a ti on
information, including the amount of memory or type of hard drive installed.