Step 7: Connect To The Target Storage Array From The Host Server
For Windows Server 2008 GUI Version
1. Click Start → Program → Microsoft iSCSI Initiator or Start → All Programs → Administrative Tools → iSCSI
2. Click the Targets tab.
If previous target discovery was successful, the IQN of the storage array should be displayed under Targets.
3. Click Log On.
4. Select Automatically restore this connection when the system boots.
5. Select Enable multi-path.
6. Click Advanced and configure the following settings under the General tab:
– Local Adapter — Must be set to Microsoft iSCSI Initiator.
– Source IP — The source IP address of the host server you want to connect from.
– Target Portal — Select the iSCSI port on the storage array controller that you want to connect to.
– Data Digest and Header Digest — Optionally, you can specify that a digest of data or header information be
compiled during transmission to assist in troubleshooting.
– CHAP logon information — If CHAP authentication is required, select this option and enter the Target
– Perform mutual authentication — If mutual CHAP authentication is configured, select this option.
NOTE: IPSec is not supported
7. Click OK.
To support storage array controller failover, the host server must be connected to at least one iSCSI port on each
controller. Repeat step 3 through step 8 for each iSCSI port on the storage array that you want to establish as
failover targets. The Target Portal address is different for each port you connected to.
NOTE: To enable the higher throughput of multipathing I/O, the host server must connect to both iSCSI ports
on each controller, ideally from separate host-side NICs. Repeat step 3 through step 7 for each iSCSI port on
each controller. If using a duplex PowerVault MD3660i configuration, then LUNs must also be balanced
between the controllers.
The Status field on the Targets tab should now display as Connected.
8. Click OK to close the Microsoft iSCSI initiator.
NOTE: PowerVault MD3660i supports only round robin load-balancing policies.
For Windows Server 2008 Core Version
If you are using Windows Server 2008 Core Version:
1. Set the iSCSI initiator services to start automatically (if not already set):
sc \\<server_name> config msiscsi start= auto
2. Start the iSCSI service (if necessary):
sc start msiscsi
3. Log on to the target:
iscsicli PersistentLoginTarget Target_Name
Report_To_PNP Target_Portal_Address