When you click Install, Install and Reboot or Install Next Reboot, the message Updating Job
Queue is displayed.
6. Click Job Queue to display the Job Queue page, where you can view and manage the staged
firmware updates or click
OK to refresh the current page and view the status of the firmware update.
NOTE: If you navigate away from the page without committing the updates, an error message
is displayed and all the uploaded content is lost.
Related Links
Updating Device Firmware
Viewing and Managing Staged Updates
Downloading Device Firmware
Updating Firmware Using Repository
You can perform multiple firmware updates by specifying a network share containing a valid repository of
DUPs and a catalog describing the available DUPs. When iDRAC connects to the network share location
and checks for available updates, a comparison report is generated that lists all available updates. You can
then select and apply the required updates contained in the repository to the system.
Before performing an update using the repository, make sure that:
• A repository containing Windows based update packages (DUPs) and a catalog file is created in the
network share (CIFS or NFS). If a user-defined catalog file is not available, by default Catalog.xml is
• Lifecycle Controller is enabled.
• You have Server Control privilege to update firmware for devices other than iDRAC.
To update device firmware using a repository:
1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Overview → iDRAC Settings → Update and Rollback .
The Firmware Update page is displayed.
2. On the Update tab, select Network Share as the File Location.
3. In the Catalog Location section, enter the network setting details.
While specifying the network share settings, it is recommended to avoid special characters for user
name and password or percent encode the special characters.
For information about the fields, see the iDRAC Online Help.
4. Click Check for Update.
The Update Details section displays a comparison report showing the current firmware versions and
the firmware versions available in the repository.
NOTE: Any update in the repository that is not applicable to the system or the installed
hardware or not supported is not included in the comparison report.
5. Select the required updates and do one of the following:
• For firmware images that do not require a host system reboot, click Install. For example, .d7
firmware file.
• For firmware images that require a host system reboot, click Install and Reboot or Install Next
• To cancel the firmware update, click Cancel.