| Dell™ Printer Configuration Web Tool
This is available on Dell H625cdw and Dell H825cdw.
Right Frame
The right frame is located on the right side of all the pages. The contents of the right
frame correspond to the menu that you select in the left frame. See "Details of the Menu
Buttons in the Right Frame
Changing the Settings of the Menu Items
Some menus allow you to change the printer settings through Dell Printer Configuration
Web Tool. When you access these menus, the authentication window appears on the
11 Set Password Locks Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool with a password so that the
printer settings are not changed inadvertently.
• You must log in as an administrator to use this setting.
12 Online Help Links to the Dell Support website.
13 Order Supplies at: Links to the Dell website for ordering supplies.
14 Contact Dell Support at: Links to the Dell Support website.
15 Dell Document Hub at:
Links to the Dell Document Hub website.
1 Refresh Button Receives the current printer configuration and updates the latest
information in the right frame.
2 Apply New Settings Button Submits new settings made on Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool
to the printer. The new settings replace the old settings of the
3 Restore Settings Button Restores the old settings that existed before any changes were
made. New settings are not submitted to the printer.