21 Authentication and Accounting Features
Services Controlled by Authentication
This section describes the features that are controlled by the Authentication feature.
The restricted features vary depending on how the machine is used.
For information on the folder and job flow sheet restrictions when the Authentication feature is
enabled, refer to "Authentication for Job Flow Sheets and Folders" (P.489).
Overview ...................................................................................................................................484
Services Restricted by User ID Authentication......................................................................484
Services Restricted by the Combined Use of Smart Card Authentication and User ID
Authentication .........................................................................................................................486
The services can be controlled as follows.
Some restrictions can be set for each user, and other restrictions can be set for the machine
as a whole.
For information on the restrictions that can be set for each user, refer to "Change Account Limit"
(P.400), and for information on the restrictions that can be set for the machine as a whole, refer to
"Service Access" (P.409).
Services Restricted by User ID Authentication
For User ID Authentication, the services restricted by authentication and account
administration differ depending on the combination of the Authentication and Accounting
When [Login Type] is [Login to Local Accounts] and [Accounting Type] is [Local Accounting]
The following services are controlled.
Restrictions per user
Usage Count
User ID
Account Limit
Copy O O O O
Print O O O O
Charge Print,
Private Charge
Scan O O O O
Fax O O - O
Direct Fax O O - O
Report/List - - - -
O :Available
- :Not available
*1 :This column shows whether authentication is required for each service. "O" indicates that authentication is required.
*2 :You can select features available for each user. For more information, refer to "Change Account Limit" (P.400).