Paper Trays, 108
Paper Used, 143
Parts name, 27
Password, 132, 136, 140, 142
PCL, 162
Font, 164
PCL 5/PCL 6, 255
PCL Fonts List, 115, 149, 161
PCL Macros List, 115, 149, 161
PCL printer driver, 66, 68
PCL Settings, 111, 117
PDF Fonts List, 115, 150
PDF Settings, 112
PDL, 263
Peer-to-Peer, 77
Pitch Configuration Chart, 159
Plain, 113, 120, 149, 154, 187-188
Plain Thick, 113, 120, 187-188
Point and Print, 74
Port Settings, 129
Port Status, 129
Port9100, 125, 129, 131, 175
Portrait, 164
PostScript Level3 Compatible, 255
Power connector, 28
Power On Wizard, 121
Power Saver Time - Deep Sleep, 110, 115
Power Saver Time - Power Off Timer, 115
Power Saver Time - Sleep, 110, 115
Power Saver Timer, 151, 178
Power Saver Timer - Deep Sleep, 148
Power Saver Timer - Power Off Timer, 148
Power Saver Timer - Sleep, 148
Power supply, 263
Power switch, 27
Premier, 114
Print Color Regi Chart, 154
Print Drivers / Remote Client Account, 136
Print ID, 111, 116, 148, 153, 182
Print media, 201, 269
Source, 208
Print Meter, 115, 150
Print Mode, 112
Print quality guarantee, 264
Print Server Reports, 123
Print Server Settings, 102, 105, 123, 128, 159
Print Server Setup Page, 123
Print side, 208
Print Text, 111, 116, 148, 153, 182
Print Volume, 103, 105, 143
Printer driver, 83, 85
Printer Events, 109
Printer Information, 103, 105, 109
Printer Jobs, 102, 105, 109
Printer Maintenance, 119
Printer Page Count, 143
Printer paper, 201
Printer Revision Levels, 109
Printer Serial Number, 109
Printer Settings, 102, 105, 110, 115, 149, 161
Printer Settings page, 115
Printer software, 233
Printer specification, 263
Printer Status, 102, 105, 108
Printer Status Window, 233
Printer Type, 108
Printer utility software, 234
Printing problems, 323
Printing Speed, 108
Private Mail Box Print, 196, 219-220
Problems with Optional Accessories, 346
Processor Speed, 109
Proof Print, 198, 220
Proxy Server, 126, 137
Appendix 356