Appendix 231
100Base-TX Full-Duplex, 102
100Base-TX Half-Duplex, 102
10Base-T Full-Duplex, 102
10Base-T Half-Duplex, 102
A4, 148
A5, 148
About printer, 21
Ad-Hoc, 107
Adjust Altitude, 92, 97, 118, 138
Adjust BTR, 92, 95, 116, 134
Adjust Fusing Unit, 92, 95, 117, 135
Adjusting color registration, 196
Admin Menu, 126
Administrator Password, 109
Altitude, 182
Appendix, 229
Apply New Settings Button, 87
Asset Tag Number, 90
Authenticate Error Trap, 106
Auto Log Print, 92-93, 133
Auto Reg Adj, 135
Auto Registration Adjustment, 92, 95
Auto SSID Setup, 32
Avoiding jam, 169, 201
B5, 148
Base memory, 181
Basic Information, 101
Basic Printer Problems, 211
Bonjour (mDNS), 100, 102, 105, 130
BTR Refresh, 92, 96, 137
BTR Refresh Mode, 119
C5, 148
Cable, 183
Cancel button, 77
Canceling a print job, 170
Carbonless copy paper, 144
CCP, 144
Change Password, 139
Chart, 137
Chart Print, 121
Clean Developer, 96, 136
Cleaning Inside the Printer, 192
Cleaning the Color Toner Density (CTD)
Sensor, 195
Clearing jam, 201
Clearing Paper Jams From the Back of the
Printer, 204
Clearing Paper Jams From the Front of the
Printer, 203
Clearing Paper Jams From the Output Tray, 206
Coated, 92, 95, 116-117, 134-135
Color Reg Adj, 136
Color Regi Chart, 96
Color Registration Adjustment, 117
Color Registration Adjustments, 96
Color registration chart, 196
Color Test Page, 93, 125
Community Name, 105
Completed Jobs, 83, 91
Connecting Printer to Computer or Network, 29