Load Manual Feeder with [custom
string] [orientation] 122
Load Manual Feeder with [custom
type name] [orientation] 121
Load Manual Feeder with [paper
size] [orientation] 122
Load Manual Feeder with [paper
type] [paper size] [orientation] 122
multipurpose feeder 32
trays 28
loading the optional tray 28
loading the standard tray 28
lock, security 91
Maintenance kit low [80.xy] 122
Maintenance kit nearly low
[80.xy] 122
Maintenance kit very low, [x]
estimated pages remain
[80.xy] 122
managing printer messages 101
types installed on printer 91
memory card 13
installing 14
Memory full [38] 123
menu settings
loading on multiple printers 103
menu settings page
printing 26
Active NIC 62
AppleTalk 67
Configure MP 56
Custom Types 60
Default Source 53
Finishing 77
General Settings 72
Help 85
Image 85
IPv6 65
list of 52
Miscellaneous 70
Network [x] 62
Network Card 64
Paper Loading 59
Paper Size/Type 53
Paper Texture 56
Paper Weight 58
PCL Emul 81
PDF 80
PostScript 80
Quality 78
Reports 61, 63
Security Audit Log 70
Set Date and Time 71
Setup 75
SMTP Setup menu 69
Standard Network 62
Standard USB 67
Substitute Size 56
Universal Setup 61
Utilities 79
Wireless 66
XPS 80
Miscellaneous menu 70
mobile device
printing from 47
moving the printer 9, 99, 100
multipurpose feeder
loading 32
Network [x] menu 62
Network [x] software error
[54] 123
Network Card menu 64
network setup page
printing 26
Non‑Dell [supply type], see User’s
Guide [33.xy] 123
non‑volatile memory 91
erasing 92
Not enough free space in flash
memory for resources [52] 124
number of remaining pages
estimate 94
optional card
installing 16
optional tray
loading 28
250‑sheet tray, installing 17
550‑sheet tray, installing 17
firmware cards 13
memory card 14
memory cards 13
updating in printer driver 21
ordering supplies
using Printer Home 94
characteristics 38
letterhead 39
loading, multipurpose feeder 32
preprinted forms 39
recycled 40
selecting 39
setting size 27
setting type 27
storing 40
unacceptable 39
Universal size setting 27
using recycled 87
paper feed troubleshooting
message remains after jam is
cleared 132
paper jams
avoiding 105
paper jams, clearing
in duplex area 113
in front door 108
in manual feeder 115
in rear door 111
in standard bin 112
in tray [x] 114
Paper Loading menu 59
paper messages
[x]‑page jam, remove tray 1 to
clear duplex. [23y.xx] 113
Paper Size/Type menu 53
paper sizes
supported by the printer 43
paper stop, using 27
Paper Texture menu 56
paper types
duplex support 44
supported by printer 44
where to load 44
Paper Weight menu 58
parallel port 19
checking status 93
checking, using the Embedded
Web Server 93
parts and supplies, status of
checking, on printer control
panel 93
Index 163