port-channel-protocol LACP
port-channel 2 mode active
no shutdown
Dell-2#show running-config interface port-channel 2
interface Port-channel 2
no ip address
vlt-peer-lag port-channel 2
no shutdown
Dell-2#show interfaces port-channel 2 brief
Codes: L - LACP Port-channel
LAG Mode Status Uptime Ports
L 2 L2L3 up 03:33:14 Te 0/40 (Up)
In the ToR unit, configure LACP on the physical ports.
Dell-1#show running-config interface tengigabitethernet 0/48
interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/48
no ip address
port-channel-protocol LACP
port-channel 100 mode active
no shutdown
Dell-1#show running-config interface tengigabitethernet 0/50
interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/50
no ip address
port-channel-protocol LACP
port-channel 100 mode active
no shutdown
Dell-1#show running-config interface port-channel 100
interface Port-channel 100
no ip address
no shutdown
Dell-1#show interfaces port-channel 100 brief
Codes: L - LACP Port-channel
LAG Mode Status Uptime Ports
L 100 L2 up 03:33:48 Te 0/48 (Up)
Te 0/50 (Up)
Verify VLT is up. Verify that the VLTi (ICL) link, backup link connectivity (heartbeat status), and VLT peer
link (peer chassis) are all up.
Dell-2#show vlt brief
VLT Domain Brief
Domain ID: 5
Role: Primary
Virtual Link Trunking (VLT)