14 Introduction
Additional Display Device Information:
Earlier OMCI releases provided
limited display device information. OMCI 7.6 also provides the
manufacture date in <yyyy Week ww> format; y-year, w-week number
(for example, 2008 Week 16) and the possible sleep states of the monitor.
Additional Physical Memory Information:
Previous OMCI releases
retrieved the value of the memory capacity property in the Dell_
PhysicalMemory class. OMCI 7.6 also retrieves the Manufacturer, Memory
Type, and Speed property values of the Dell_ PhysicalMemory class.
Additional Logical Disk Information:
Previous OMCI releases contained
logical disk information in the Dell_Logicaldisk class such as size,
description, free space, path, and so on. OMCI 7.6 also retrieves the
Compressed (indicates whether or not the logical volume exists as a single
compressed entity) and FileSystem(indicates the file system on the logical
disk) property values of Dell_Logicaldisk class in the WMI inventory of
the client system.
NOTE: NTFS file system compression is not supported. If NTFS file based
compression is supported, the Compressed property is FALSE.
Added support for BIOS settings:
BIOS settings listed in "BIOS Settings
Supported in OMCI 7.6" and marked with an asterisk (*) are added in
OMCI 7.6.
Supported Operating Systems
The following operating systems are supported for installing OMCI:
• Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP4
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 or later x86 (32-bit) and x64
(64-bit) versions
• Microsoft Windows Vista
Business x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) versions
• Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) versions
• Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) versions
Latest Updates
For the latest update information about OMCI, see the readme file located in
the installation directory. The default installation path for a typical
installation of OMCI is C:\Program Files\Dell\OpenManage\Client.