4-6 Dell Inspiron 7500 System Reference and Troubleshooting Guide
3. When the Microsoft Windows 98 Startup Menu appears, press the
down-arrow key to select 2. Start computer with CD-ROM support and press
4. When the
A:\> prompt appears on the screen, insert the System Software CD
into your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
5. At the
A:\> prompt, type x:, where x is the drive letter for your CD-ROM or
DVD-ROM drive, and press <Enter>.
The CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive letter is usually D.
6. Type
cd\utility\ and press <Enter>.
7. Type
phdisk /create /file and press <Enter>.
NOTE: Make sure you insert a space before the slashes.
The utility calculates the size of the file in kilobytes (KB), based on the amount of
system memory and video memory in your computer, and adds 2 megabytes
(MB) to handle additional system requirements.
8. Follow the instructions on your screen to create the save-to-disk suspend file.
To check the size of the save-to-disk suspend file, type
phdisk /info at the
prompt and press <Enter>.
To delete the save-to-disk suspend file, type
phdisk /delete /file and
press <Enter>.
9. Remove the Microsoft Boot Disk Windows 98 Series diskette, and press
<Ctrl><Alt><Del> to restart the system.
Installing the System Help
The Dell Inspiron system Help is available on the System Software CD. You can also
access it from Dell’s support Web site (http://support.dell.com).
Installing Help From the CD
To install the system Help from the System Software CD, perform the following steps.
NOTE: You must copy the popup.ocx file into the Windows registry; otherwise, error
messages may appear.
1. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the My Computer icon, and then double-click the CD-ROM or
DVD-ROM drive icon.
3. Double-click the Guide folder.
4. Right-click the popup.ocx file, and then right-click Copy.
5. Double-click the My Computer icon, and then double-click the C: drive icon.