4 Information Update
Reconfiguring the System for Regional Power Requirements
CAUTION: If you relocate a system operating in the 120–127 VAC or 200–240 VAC range to a different geographic
area, ensure that jumper CB_TYPE matches the AC line voltage range of your new location.
If the new power source is less than 120 VAC and you do not reconfigure jumper CB_TYPE for the lower voltage
power source, damage to the system power cable or the system itself may occur.
Ta bl e 1-1
lists countries where the AC line voltage may be less than 120 V. Confirm the power source in your
particular location and reconfigure the CB_TYPE jumper if necessary.
Table 1-2 and Figure 1-1 show the settings and location of the CB_TYPE jumper.
Table 1-1. Areas Where AC Line Voltage May Be Less Than 120 V
AC Line Voltage Country
100 V Japan, Korea, Okinawa
105 V Korea
110 V Anguilla, Azores, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Curacao, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Guam, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica,
Lebanon, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Somalia, Surinam, Tahiti, Taiwan, Turkey, Virgin
115 V Aruba, Barbados, North Mariana Island, St. Pierre & Miquelon, Surinam, Tonga,
Trinidad & Tobago
Table 1-2. Power Configuration Jumper Settings
Jumper Setting Description
CB_TYPE AC line voltage is 120 V or greater*
(default) AC line voltage is less than 120 V
* This jumper is not functional for systems using a line voltage in the range of 200–240 VAC.