132 Device Security
To create a local user, use the following command:
console(Config-CP)#user 1 name user1
console(config-CP)#user 1 password
Enter password (8 to 64 characters): ********
Re-enter password: ********
console(Config-CP)#user 1 session-timeout 14400
To verify the creation of a local user, use the following command:
console#show captive-portal user
Session Idle
User ID User Name Timeout Timeout Group ID Group Name
------- --------------------- ------- -------- -------- ---------------------
1 user1 14400 0 1 Default
Example 8: Associate an Interface with a Captive Portal Configuration
To associate an interface with a Captive Portal configuration, use the following command:
(Config-CP)#configuration 1
console(Config-CP 1)#interface 1/g18
To view the new interface, use the following command:
console#show captive-portal configuration 1 interface
CP ID.......................................... 1
CP Name........................................ Default